Florida Wind Mitigation Report Details – Form OIR-B1-1802 Specifics

Created on:

February 4, 2019

February 4, 2019

The uniform mitigation verification inspection form (commonly referred to as form 1802) created by the Florida Office of Insurance Regulation is divided into 7 sections and is used to verify the presence of windstorm mitigation features on a policyholder’s property so the insurer can calculate proper discounts. The form is valid for up to 5 years, provided that no material changes have been made to the structure.

Form 1802 is used to verify the presence of windstorm mitigation features on a policyholder’s property so the insurer can calculate proper discounts.

Building Code

The first section pertains to compliance with Florida building codes and is used to determine whether a home has been built to FBC2001 or later. For home in high-velocity hurricane zone (HVHZ) areas like areas of South Florida, the form verifies whether the structure is build to new compliance codes referred to as SFBC-94. These codes were put in place after hurricane Andrew in 1992.

Roof Coverings

The second section details roof coverings of the structure. It is the inspectors job to determine what types of roof coverings are present on the structure and when they were installed. Common roof coverings include asphalt or fiberglass shingles, clays tiles, metal roofing, built up roofing or other types of roof coverings.

Roof Deck Attachment

This section details the attachment of sheathing, which is the plywood or OSB material attached to the trusses. Sheathing is typically attached with either 6d or 8d nails and it is the inspectors job to determine the type of nail as well as the nail pattern and proximity of nails in the field.

Roof to Wall Attachment

Trusses are attached to the top plate of a wall to keep the roof from detaching during high winds. In older homes, the truss or rafters are usually anchored with toe nails which provide the least amount of lift force resistance. Other types of attachments include clips, single wraps and double wraps as well some custom attachment systems.

Roof Geometry

One of the major factors influencing wind pressure on a structure is the roof shape. Generally, hip roofs will experience 40% lower pressure than gable roofs for the same wind speeds so insurance companies offer discounts for true full-hip roofs. A hip roof is defined as a roof containing less than 10% gables compared to the total linear feet of the roofs perimeter.

Secondary Water Resistance (SWR)

A secondary water resistance or SWR is a self-adhering polymer-modified bitumen roofing underlayment applied directly to the sheathing to increase water resistance above and beyond the typical felt or synthetic underlayment.The SWR provides backup to roof covering loss and can be applied externally or internally.

Opening Protection

The final section of form 1802 is used to determine the weakest form of wind borne debris protection installed on the structure. The section will provide details to insurance companies about shutter protection or large missile impact rated windows, doors, skylights and glass block. The key factor for the inspector to determine is the weakest form of protection so if a single opening or window has no protection then the entire structure generally receives no discount.


For more information on wind mitigation details, refer to the Florida Office of Insurance Regulation.


InterNACHI Wind Mitigation Inspections Course. (April 2018).

Retrieved from www.nachi.org

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